Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia Previous Congresses
The VII Baltic Genetics Congress – 2018 :: Full text papers
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The VII Baltic Genetics Congress – 2018

Full text papers


In brief

The articles prepared on the base of presentations will be published in the journal Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences. The journal is indexed by more than 40 platforms, including Web of Science and Scopus. See for details: https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/prolas/prolas-overview.xml . Submitted articles will be reviewed by two independent reviewers. Processing Charge will be applied after accepting manuscript for publication.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically during the Congress or up to one month afterwards. Manuscripts should be sent to the address VIIBGC2018@lu.lv.


Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, publishes reports that describe the results of original theoretical or experimental research of importance and interest to diverse groups of scientists. The scientific articles should be intelligible to a broad scientific audience. The journal publishes also information on events pertaining to science life.

For more details information please visit the journal home page:


Submission charge is not applicable. To cover publishing costs, article processing charge 180 euros is requested upon article acceptance. For the VII Baltic Genetics Congress participants the registration fee includes 50% reduction (EUR 90.- instead of regular price). In exceptional cases (developing countries, limited funding etc.) the journal Board can decide reduced charge or cancel article processing charge after a well-argumented request of authors.

Procedure for submitting manuscripts

The electronic version (Word or OpenDocument text file) of the manuscript should be provided by e-mail (VIIBGC2018@lu.lv). Text is provided by the Word or OpenDocument text file, illustrations should be provided in any of graphical file formats. In specific cases additionally pdf file could be requested. Contribution of manuscripts is a privilege of the members of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Manuscripts of non-members should be communicated by a member of the Academy or of the Editorial Board by using a special communication form which is available on request to the Proceedings Office. As an exception for foreign authors, a manuscript could be accepted without the said communication. In such cases, the Board will find the communicating person. The Editorial Board subjects the submitted manuscripts to further review. The date of receiving the accepted manuscript in the Proceedings Office will become part of the published paper.

Manuscript should be accomplished by the Open Access License. Please fill in this form. The license should be sign by the corresponding author on the behalf of all authors. Then send us a scanned copy. The original remains with authors.

MANUSCRIPT should be prepared with standard-size (12 points) letters. Double spacing should be throughout, including references, tables, figure legends, and footnotes. Text alignment is necessary only from the left side. Original papers should not exceed 20 pages; short communications, 12 pages; reviews, 26 pages.

The structure of an original paper should be arranged in the following succession:
title; authors, their affiliations and addresses; Abstract; Key words; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusions (optional); Acknowledgements; References; tables; legends to figures; figures; and title and summary in Latvian (only for Latvian authors). Papers on theoretical research and reviews should be structured as to better perception of the text. Short communications are not structured.

TITLE should reveal precisely the subject matter in the shortest possible form.

AUTHORS. The author, or authors, should give their full names, followed by the name of their institutions (designated with numbers, if more than one), including full postal addresses and e-mails. The telephone number of the corresponding author should be also provided.

ABSTRACT is in one paragraph, up to 200 words, it should describe the object and methods of investigation and summarise the essential findings provided in the paper.

KEY WORDS (not more than five) should be presented in a separate line. Preferably key words should not repeat words presented in the title.

INTRODUCTION should be addressed to broad scientific audience and outlines the purpose and scope of the investigation and its relation to other research in the same field. The aim of the research, briefly formulated, shall be part of the Introduction.

MATERIALS AND METHODS should be described in detail, so that one might follow the procedures. Standard laboratory procedures should be mentioned only, but reference citation is necessary. In case the research is associated with tests made on humans or animals, authors are required to mention in their manuscripts ethical approval from an appropriate committee and/or how consent was obtained from participants when research involves human participants.

RESULTS are presented in textual, tabular, or figure form. This section should be as brief as possible, without repeating the information expounded in Materials and Methods section and considered in Discussion.

DISCUSSION provides interpretation of the results. One should not avoid discussion of controversial or unsettled points or of data obtained by other authors, or any evidence for drawing conclusions.

CONCLUSIONS (optional) summarise the main findings described in the paper.

TABLES AND FIGURES. Tables should be presented on separate pages and should be intelligible by themselves, without reference to the text. Table headings should be concise, they should adequately represent the subject matter. Footnotes to the tables should be placed on the same page.

Graphs, diagrams, drawings and photographs are considered as figures. The figures should be each on a separate page. Legends to figures should appear all together on a separate page. Both tables and figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals, in the order of appearance in the text.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (if any) contain recognition of those who have provided essential help in the preparation of the manuscript, and providers of financial support.

REFERENCES — only to published, publicly available materials – when cited in the text, should be given in chronological order and written as follows: (Clark, 1983; 1993; Smith and Jones, 1990; Brown et al., 1995). In the list at the end of the manuscript, they should be arranged in alphabetical order. All authors of the reference should be mentioned. References written in Latin alphabet should be given in the original languages; the title — in languages other than English, German, and French — of the cited author’s work should be followed by its English translation in brackets [ ] , and the original language should be indicated at the end of the reference in parentheses ( ). References written in Cyrillic alphabet should be given in English, indicating in brackets the names of authors and the title in Cyrillic, and the original language should be indicated at the end of the reference in parentheses. Referenceswritten in alphabets other than Latin and Cyrillic should be given in English, the original language should be indicated at the end of the reference in parentheses.

Examples of refernces


Bish, D. L., Post, J. E. (eds.) (1989). Modern Powder Diffraction. The Mineral Society of America, Washington. 369 pp.
Kalvelis, A. (2005). Nearitmiskā elektrokardioloģija [Non-Arhytmic Electrocardiography]. Nacionālais apgāds, Rīga. 176 lpp. (in Latvian).
Nikolaev, K. A. (1960). The Beaver. [Николаев К. А. Бобр.] Nauka, Moscow. 271 pp. (in Russian).

Article in a book

Carrey, E. A. (1989). Peptide mapping. In: Creighton, T. E. (Ed.), Protein Structure. ILR Press, Oxford, pp. 191–224.

Journal article

Marchetto, A., Musazzi, S. (2001). Comparison between sedimentary and living diatoms in Lago Maggiore (N. Italy): Implications of using transfer functions. J. Limnol., 60 (1), 19–26.
Smirnov, T. A. (1998). Genetic diversity in barley [Смирнов Т. А. Генетическое разнообразие ячменя]. Genetika [Генетика], 23 (4), 123–131 (in Russian).

Proceedings from a conference

Field, G. (2001). Rethinking reference rethought. In: Revelling in Reference: Reference and Information Services Section Symposium, 12–14 October 2001, Melbourne. Australian Library and Information Association, Melbourne, pp. 59–64.


Johnson, A. (2000). Abstract Computing Machines. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. SpringerLinkhttp://springerlink.com/content/w25154 (last accessed 20 February 2011). DOI: 10.1007/b138965.

Dissertation Thesis

Begg, M. M. (2001). Dairy farm women in the Waikato 1946–1996: Fifty years of social and structural change. Doctoral dissertation, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.

Journal article from an online database

Czajgucki Z., Zimecki M. & Andruszkiewicz R. (2006, December). The immunoregulatory effects of edeine analogues in mice ‘Abstract’. Cell. Mol. Biol. Lett., 12 (3), 149–161. Retrieved from PubMed database on the World Wide Web: http://www.pubmed.gov. DOI: 10.2478/s11658-006-0061-z (last accessed 6 December 2006).


Smith, I. M. (1988). U.S. Patent No. 123,445. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences.
The Journal of Latvian Academy of Sciences

For Authors
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